F.R.O.G. Blog

Lessons of Love

I've learned quite a few lessons about love, especially God's love. Questions have been answered for me. I know I've heard the answers before, but for some reason, the words did not register in my mind, and in my heart, until now. I reluctantly attended a catechesis on the subject of eschatology (study of the end times). The priest started with the two questions that continually plague my feeble mind.

The first question was.."Why was I created?"...Father Mark answered that..."we are created out of love, to be loved by God, and to learn to love the way God does."... He went right into question two from there..."How do I get to heaven?"...  I anxiously awaited his reply to this one. He stated that.." It was very simple, to get to heaven, we have to love the way that Jesus taught us to love."...

My mind caught hold. Suddenly, I got it. I understood the words I had mindlessly absorbed through my ears, all those times I had heard them before.  My complacent heart opened to receive the words at the same time, and I finally heard, and understood. I didn't have to die first, to know why I was created, and what my purpose for having life was.  It was simply love.

Having created children myself, out of love, I could comprehend the concept of Gods love, for the first time.

I contemplated the idea of loving everyone, especially people I didn't like,  the way that God loves me. Wow!  I could learn to do that. I could love others, and I could want the best for them, and I could even help encourage them to make good, and loving choices.

  I started to think about how I could have love,  and mercy, for a fellow child of God, even when they wronged me in some way. I realized that by loving someone the way that God loves me, I would, in turn,  be blessed. It would release me from the burdens of anger, vengeance, pride, and jealousy (to name a few). Those emotions would be replaced with love, and mercy, and Gods grace.

I could be concerned, out of love, for that person's soul. I could pray for forgiveness from God, "because they know not what they do"....Wow!! Maybe I could learn to love like Jesus, and feel good about it.

 When I love someone the way that Jesus taught me to love, I want better for them. Regardless of the fact that their selfish choice would negatively impact my life,  I don't want them to have to face the consequence of making a selfish choice. So, out of love for them, I could give them the opportunity to make a good choice, and love me the way that God loves them. 

My mind became inundated  with love quotes, .."All you need is love"....

.."Love isn't love until you give it away"...

.."and now these three remain, faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love"...( 1corinthians 13:13). Why have I listened to these words many times, but never truly heard them? 

Turns out, when I took the time to notice, I am surrounded by reminders to love everyday. A song on the radio, or a bible verse, or a smile from a stranger, are all small reminders to love. I also began to see the symbol for love, the heart, everywhere I looked. How could I ever forget, or make the choice not to act lovingly, with so many reminders bombarding me? 

Now, I feel like I finally understand what God expects of me, and why he created me, and how he loves me.  I am excited, because I think that I can live up to that expectation.  I think that I can learn to love others, the way that God loves me, by using Jesus' example. 




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